
  VIEW 2678 Feb 13, 2015

올해로 9회째를 맞는 이 행사는 캐나다 전역에서 한국어 배우는 외국인 대학생들에게 학교수업이나 독학으로 부한 한국어 실력을 발휘할 기회를 제공하여 왔으며 한류의 인기에 기인해 대회  참가자의수도 폭발적으로 증가했습니다.

말하기 대회 대상 수상자에게는 상장과 함께 고려대학교 여름학기 연수 기회와 대한항공 왕복 항공권이 주어지며, 기초초급중급고급   4 부문 걸쳐 문별 1 수상자에게는 서울대가톨릭대서강대경희대 여름학기 연수  LG 전자제품이 상품으로 지급됩니다

그리고 부문별 2위와 3위에게도 미샤 화장품  상품과 상장이 수여되며 모든 참가자에게 기념품과 참가증서를 제공합니다참가신청은 2 22일까지 대회 홈페이지( 통해 온라인으로 접수해야 니다.

올해도 말하기 대회와 함께 한국관광공사가 진행하는 2 1 골든벨 퀴즈가 열릴 예정이며 1  명에게는 LGTV  대가 주어지는  3위까지 푸짐한 상품이 수여됩니다.  

문제는 사회문화언어관광지한류  다양한 분야에서 출제하여 한국에 대한 해박한 지식을 가진 외국인을 선발할 예정입니다

18 이상 외국인은 누구나 참가할 수 있으며 참가신청 대회 현장에서 접수합니다모든 참가자에게 기념품과 갤러리아 슈퍼마켓과 농심에서 제공하는 간식이 제공됩니관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

Centre for the Study of Korea at University of Toronto, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Toronto, and Korea Tourism Organization is hosting 2015 Toronto Korean Speech and Quiz Contest. The event will take place on Saturday, March 15th at Earth Sceinces Centre at University of Toronto.

The 9th annual event has encouraged speakers of foreign languages providing an avenue for Canadians across the country to show off their Korean language skills. The number of contestants has increased drastically due to the popularity of Hallyu nowadays.

Final winner of the speech contest will be awarded a placement in the 2014 Summer language program at Korea University, plus a round-trip airline ticket provided by Korean Air.

Four winners from entry, beginner, intermediate, advanced categories will be awarded LG prize, and a placement in 2014 Summer language program at Seoul University, Catholic University, Seo Kang University and Kyunghee University.

Also, prizes and award certificates will be awarded for second-place and the third-place winners and all contestants will receive souvenirs and certificates. To enter the speech contest, the application is accepted online until February 22.

Korea Tourism Organization is hosting the quiz contest where participants pair up to answer the questions in the "Golden Bell" quiz show format. Winners will be awarded LG TV and many more.

Participants in the quiz contest will answer the questions about language, culture, tourist destinations, and Hallyu.

As for the quiz contest, anyone over 18 years old can participate and the application is only accepted onsite. All participants will receive souvenirs as well as snacks provided by Galleria Supermarket and Nongshim. We await your participation.

Arirang Korea TV is a media sponsor of the event.

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아시아 영화를 소개하는 캐나다 최대 규모의 영화제인 릴아시안 영화제가 오는 11월 10일부터 19일까지개최된다. 올해로 25주년을 맞이하는 영화제는 온라인으로 관람이 가능하며 한국 장편영화 2편 (이승원 감독 "세자매"및 홍성윤 감독 "그녀를 지우는 시간"과 한국 단편영화 4편이 상영된다. 영화관람 티켓구입 및 자세한 사항은 토론토릴아시안국제영화제 웹사이트를 참조하면 된다.

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